Can You Do a Yes or No Tarot Spread?

Are there tarot spreads that you can use for a yes or no reading?

The Empress tarot card

Main image courtesy of Lisa Sterle.

There are lots of folks who have been getting more into the world of tarot, and seeing the benefits of using a wide variety of spreads. From classics like the Celtic cross, horseshoe, or even a relationship spread, you should know that you don’t always have to stick to the same spread for your readings. As you start to get more familiar with tarot, you might wonder if there are shorter readings that are designed to give you a quick answer, and we’re here to tell you that yes or no tarot readings are definitely a thing! Although you may find a lot of readers try to avoid yes/no questions when they’re doing a reading, that’s not to say you can’t do them for yourself or others.

So whether you just want to consult quickly with the cards, or you have a burning question you just need an answer to, there’s a spread available for that. If you want to learn more about how to do just that keep reading, because today we’re covering:

  • Why you might want to do a yes or no tarot spread
  • The benefits of short readings
  • Ways to do yes/no tarot spreads

Why you might want to do a yes or no tarot spread

There are lots of reasons why a yes or no tarot spread is so popular

the magician tarot card
You don’t always need to sit down for an extensive tarot reading, and sometimes quick yes or or no spreads are what’s in the cards. Image courtesy of Grove and Grotto.

Every tarot reader develops their own relationship with their cards, and the more they work at it, the more they learn to trust their instincts and intuition. Learning to read tarot cards is a journey, and you may find the more willing you are to try out new spreads or ask different questions, the deeper your relationship gets. It doesn’t matter if you read for yourself or for others, and part of the draw of tarot is knowing that there are no hard and fast rules to how you choose to read spreads. Lots of readers have a spread that they rely on, that’s their go-to when they have a specific question or they want to get a wider view of what’s currently happening in their lives. You might want to do a Celtic cross spread for this, or a past-present-future spread for questions like that. 

However sometimes you just want a yes or no answer to a question that may have popped up or has been percolating in your mind for a while. There are lots of reasons why you may want to do this type of spread including:

  • Quick answers. Sometimes you just want to take out your cards for a little bit, or you find yourself wanting an answer, but don’t have the time to do an extensive analysis. Doing a yes or no tarot reading is going to give you an answer very quickly, and because they are shorter, you don’t have to worry about potentially interpreting a large amount of cards. Spreads that use one, two, or three cards are perfect for quick answers.
  • To clarify. Have you ever gotten to the end of a reading and found that you still want some clarification? This is normal, and just means you want to make sure your interpretation of the cards is correct and you're clear about what your next steps should be. Simply ask a yes or no question to confirm with the cards that the direction you plan on going in is the right one. Once you get your answer, you can be confident taking whatever path you’re called to.
  • Easy to interpret the cards. Yes or no tarot readings are perfect for all levels of readers, however they’re especially accessible for beginners. Learning all 78 cards and seeing how they interact with one another can seem daunting and overwhelming at times. Remembering what each place represents in an extensive reading can be intimidating, and it sometimes causes frustration. You can avoid this entirely when you do a simple yes/no reading, as you’re looking at only a few cards, and you can rely on your intuition and the vibe of the cards to give you a solid yes or no answer.
  • You can get focused guidance. When you ask a simple yes or no question, you’re focusing on just that and don’t have to worry about getting distracted by other cards, or what they’re trying to say. Sometimes you want to do a longer, more in depth tarot reading that allows you to see the story they’re trying to tell you. Other times you want to pull a few cards and get guidance on exactly one part of your life. 

What are the benefits of short tarot readings?

Tarot readings of all lengths have benefits! Using a variety of spreads not only hones your skills as a reader, but they expose you to different types of card combinations, and makes you trust your instincts when it comes to the guidance that’s offered. However there are benefits to short readings, including yes and no spreads.

One of the most common short readings is a one card reading, which is perfect for beginners and those learning the cards. It gives you a chance to learn each of the cards you pull, and gives you time and space to analyze it and see what it’s trying to tell you. One card readings are great for those times when you want a quick response, and can provide the guidance you need when you’re feeling a little lost or like you’ve derailed.

You can also do two and three card readings that are also short and to the point. These types of readings you’ll typically find in past-present-future, situation-obstacle-solution, and even mind-body-spirit. These shorter readings give you a concise amount of advice, and they offer a path about how you should proceed. Using shorter readings, including yes/no readings, not only gives you practice with the cards, but it gives you space for self-reflection. When you don’t have to worry about so many cards and their meanings, it’s easier to focus and see what guidance the cards are offering. 

How to do a yes or no tarot spread with 3 cards

Try doing a yes/no reading with 3 cards

spread of a variety of tarot cards
If you’re interested in trying a yes or no tarot spread, try using just 3 cards! Image courtesy of Next Avenue.

If you’re ready to give a yes or no tarot reading a try, that’s great news. Learning how to read in a variety of different ways only increases your skills as a tarot reader, but it gives you a chance to deepen your connection to your deck. Make sure you shuffle your deck and take a few deep breaths to prepare. When you’re ready, ask your yes/no question out loud or to yourself and concentrate on that. Then you can either pull the first three cards, or shuffle the cards around until you feel the need to pull a card. Lay them face side down and then turn over your cards. 

The best way to get an answer to your yes/no question is to take in the overall feeling of the cards. Are they mostly giving off positive energy and encouragement (yes), or are they more negative and asking you to consider different options (no). Learning how to pick up on the vibes of the cards will take a little time, but eventually you’ll start to trust your gut feelings.

Let’s say you want an answer to the question, should I look for another job. While there are lots of factors that will eventually influence your decision to leave or stay at your job, getting advice from the tarot is a good place to start.

3 card yes or not tarot spread
These cards seem to point to yes, it may be time to change jobs. Images courtesy of Vivid Life Tarot, the Tarot Parlor and Bennion Kearny.

Pulling the Wheel of Fortune, the Devil, and the Ace of Pentacles seems to be telling you that yes, this might be a good time to change jobs. You may feel trapped at your current position suggested by the Devil, and it could be a good time to see what else life has in store (spin the wheel of fortune!), not to mention the Ace of Pentacles points to new, fortuitous opportunities approaching.

Doing a yes or no tarot spread with 2 cards

You can also try doing a yes/no reading with just two cards. Think of your question and shuffle your deck. Say this time you’re wondering whether you’ll start a new romance in the near future.

These cards seem to suggest concentrating on yourself first and all the blessings you already have. Images courtesy of Vivid Life Tarot and the Tarot Guide.

If you pull the Hermit and the 9 of pentacles, it seems the cards are suggesting instead of focusing outward to find love, you concentrate first on self-love and enjoying the company of yourself. This doesn’t mean you’ll never start a new romance, it just means that now isn’t the right time, and to just spend some time focusing on yourself, hobbies, and other pursuits before you start thinking of finding a new partner. 

Which yes or no tarot spread will you try?

There are all kinds of tarot spreads out there, some more complicated than others. Sometimes you just want a simple yes or no answer to your question, or you don’t have the time to sit down to a full reading. Not to worry because with these short yes or no tarot spreads you can get quick answers to your question, giving you the confidence to move forward with that information!

Written by

Bridget Houlihan

Bridget Houlihan is a writer, poet, and cat mom living in Pittsburgh, PA.
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Kellee Maize

Kellee Maize is an American rapper, singer, and songwriter known for her conscious lyrics and unique blend of hip-hop and electronic music. Her debut album, "Age of Feminine," released in 2007, garnered critical acclaim. Maize is an independent artist who has released multiple albums and singles throughout her career, often exploring themes of social justice, spirituality, business and personal growth.

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