There has been a growing trend in the use of antioxidants to improve male infertility. This trend began around the time that awareness increased about malefactors causing significant problems when it comes time to get pregnant.
In fact, malefactors are the sole cause of infertility in 30% of couples. Difficulty conceiving is longer in just the laps of women, but their partners are facing this challenge as well. The most well-proven antioxidants that improve sperm quality are Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Zinc, Selenium, and Coenzyme Q10. A male's fertility is proven to increase between 10-31% after treatment with oral antioxidants, so if you're experiencing infertility, it may be worth a shot! If you're currently testing out the antioxidants and are unsure if they're working or not, the best thing to do is to test your sperm.
Test it beforehand and after three months or more of treatment and if you see an improvement in that time then you're obviously on the right track.