Fertility Tips For Guys: Sleeping 9 Hours or More Weakens Sperm

Getting the right amount of sleep can optimize ferility

Article on by Nandini on how sleep impacts male fertility provided by Health AIM.Imagine this. You and your partner have been trying to make a baby for some time now. You are getting stressed as your baby plans are not working out. What's more is that your lady gets all the tips to get the storks visiting. But when you look up for fertility tips for guys, it's always limited to stop smoking, drinking, diet and fitness help. There is one more thing you can do to improve your sperm quality. That is, sleeping the right amount of time. Under sleeping or oversleeping will not help you get your partner pregnant.Fertility & Sterility journal recently published a preliminary study conducted by The Boston University Pregnancy Online Study (PRESTO). The study evaluates the extent to which duration and quality of sleep impact male fertility. The study analyzed lifestyle habits of around 700 couples for a year. Researchers found that men who slept for 7-8 hours every night had the healthiest sperm.An article in Men's Health states that the study also found that men who slept for less than 6 hours a night were 31 percent less likely to impregnate their partners. Those who slept for nine hours or more were 49 percent less likely to impregnate their partners. Men who experienced broken sleep or had trouble sleeping all through the night were 28 percent less likely to get their partner pregnant than those who had no problems. Those men, who slept between seven and nine hours every night had the lowest risk of negative results.Experts believe that the reasons might be hormonal. This is because testosterone is crucial for reproduction. Dr. Lauren Wise, the study's lead author, explains that most men experience majority testosterone release during the night. Hence, those men who slept appropriate amount of time could impregnate their partners. However, there is less clarity on how long hours of sleep adversely affected male fertility.

About the study

An article in Mail Online explains that the study collected data from couples based in US and Canada. All of the couples were undergoing IVF treatment. Women, who participated in the study were between 21 and 45 years, while male participants were 21 years and older. Dr. Peter Schlegel, Vice President of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, said that the study was welcome news. While the impact of stress on male fertility is well known, there is still very little data on how sleep impacts male fertility, states a WebMD report."This study strongly suggests that for men, aiming for the 7 to [less than] 9 hours of sleep helps to optimize their fertility and their chances of contributing to pregnancy," he added.More Articles on Male Fertility: Zika Virus May Impair Male Fertility; Could Be Sexually Transmitted

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Reviewed by

Kellee Maize

Kellee Maize is an American rapper, singer, and songwriter known for her conscious lyrics and unique blend of hip-hop and electronic music. Her debut album, "Age of Feminine," released in 2007, garnered critical acclaim. Maize is an independent artist who has released multiple albums and singles throughout her career, often exploring themes of social justice, spirituality, business and personal growth.

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