Drinking Soda May Harm Your Chances of Conceiving

Your fertility is likely to decrease by consuming high amounts of soda and other sugary beverages

A new research study published in Epidemiology found that drinking one or more sugary drinks a day can lead to reduced fertility both in men and women. Couples who are struggling to get pregnant may find it helpful to research preventable risk factors like this one to reduce the amount of stress and financial burden on their shoulders.

  • A person's diet may impact his or her fertility
  • Researchers conducted a survey to study the lifestyle choices of women currently attempting to conceive
  • Experts suggest couples consider limiting their intake of sodas

Lifestyle factors, including one's diet, can affect fertility

There has been a substantial rise in sugar intake among Americans within the past half-century. One-third of this sugar consumption comes from sugar-sweetened drinks such as soda. These types of drinks are often associated with weight gain and type 2 diabetes. They have also been found to be connected to early menstruation and low semen quality.

Research study

Diet is viewed as a modifiable risk factor, but there have been few studies conducted that determined direct effects soda may have on fertility until now. Researchers from Boston University School of Public Health in Massachusetts studied the medical history, lifestyle habits, and diet of 3,828 women aged 21 to 45 and 1,045 of their male partners.

The female subjects were required to complete follow-up questionnaires every two months until they either got pregnant or the 12-month follow-up period ended. They discovered a 20 percent reduction in the average monthly probability of conception in men and women who continually drank soda. Women who drank soda once a day were found to have a 25 percent lower chance of conceiving while men had a 33 percent chance deduction. There was no strong correlation between fruit juice or diet soda consumption.

Couples should consider limiting soda usage

According to the study's author, Elizabeth Hatch, "Couples planning a pregnancy might consider limited their consumption of these beverages, especially because they are also related to adverse health effects." Authors of this study believe their results will have important implications for public health. Hatch went on to state that "We found positive associations between intake of sugar-sweetened beverages and lower fertility, which was consistent after controlling many other factors, including obesity, caffeine intake, alcohol, smoking, and overall diet quality."

It is certainly important to look after one's health both before and after conceiving. Leading a healthy lifestyle will benefit both you and your future child.

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