3 Quotes About IVF to Support You at Every Step of Your Fertility Journey

In vitro fertilization, or IVF, sometimes starts with the bad, but ends up with the good, and it’s important to remember you’re not alone in this journey.

In vitro fertilization, or IVF for short, is a fertility process where a woman’s eggs are extracted, injected with sperm and manually combined in a laboratory dish, and the embryos are then transferred back into the uterus. Women who struggle to get pregnant often use this form of fertilization because of the higher results of pregnancy.

You should never be ashamed of your infertility journey, and with using IVF, you are changing your infertility journey for the better. Many celebrities also face the same challenges that women face every day. Here are three quotes from women celebrities that had infertility struggles that eventually chose IVF as their solution to becoming pregnant. 

  1. In November of 2013, Celine Dion talked about her infertility struggles and how she underwent the IVF procedure and finally gave birth to her two twin boys, Eddy and Nelson. 

“For the twins I did IVF six times one after the other … I’d done five years at Caesars Palace and went half a year around the world on tour and it was finally time to get pregnant again. I thought as long as my health permitted me and unless my doctor thought physically I couldn’t do it, then I would go on with the IVF until someone told me to stop. With any pregnancy, whether it’s through IVF or not, you feel a danger. You have to remain positive and try to relax as much as possible. I always say that my children’s first country is inside of me, so I try to make it a good one and be healthy.”

  1. Kim Kardashian has always been open about her fertility struggles. After having problems when giving birth to her first daughter, North, she used IVF and gave birth to her second son, Saint, and surrogacy with the rest of her children.
Kim Kardashian and her children
Kim Kardashian struggled with giving birth to her first child, before she resulted in doing IVF for her second child, then surrogacy for the rest. Image courtesy of Babyology.

"I'm so thankful for my beautiful kids, no matter how they came to me — they came to me," she said. "I'm so thankful for surrogates. I'm really thankful for my family. I grew up with so many siblings. I just loved being in a big environment. I would have gone through the same pain and back for the result of having my babies. It was all worth it."

Courteney Cox with her daughter, Coco
“Friends” star, Courteney Cox, struggled with multiple miscarriages before she became pregnant with her daughter, Coco. Image Courtesy of ET Online.

The “Friends” actress, Courteney Cox, struggled for years to get pregnant with her daughter Coco, and went through multiple miscarriages, until she underwent two rounds of IVF and finally became pregnant. “Well it was really weird because everyone in my family has kids. I mean, they pop out like it’s nobody’s business,” she reportedly said. “No one in my family has a problem. So to me, I just thought this would not be a problem at all. I decided to do in vitro and I did that twice. In vitro is a wonderful thing that people can do in this day and age.”

Although you may be struggling in your infertility journey, just know that you are not alone and many other women have gone through the same exact troubles that you have faced. Even celebrities have struggled with becoming pregnant and have used IVF to overcome this battle. If you are considering IVF, talk to your OB/GYN today if it is right for you.

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